

Choose a record to break or set a new record. Use your creativity to find out the extraordinary imbibed in you. Be creative. The more extraordinary the accomplishment is, the more likely it is to be featured in the World Records Book of India. Don’t limit yourself to what is already in the WRBI, you may also be featured in the WRBI by being the first person to do something.

Process of Approval of Record

To become a World Record holder; you can either set a new record or break an existing record. The following are the requirements to become a record holder of WRBI:

  • Prepare yourself for the record and practice for the final attempt.
  • Fill the online APPLICATION FORM and mail us at 
  • After receiving your form, the team of WRBI would review it and give you details regarding the submission of evidence.
  • After all the documents are received, WRBI Team will process your claim within 7-10 working days. In the case of incomplete documentation, the team will contact the applicant via email or call. The process continues until the team is satisfied with the submitted evidence.
  • Along with acknowledgement of acceptance you will receive record specific guidelines which you need to follow during attempting the record.
  • WRBI Team will let you know the final decision via email or call.
  • In case, your claim is approved, you are required to check the facts and figures related to your achievement. Kindly email or call us for any changes / factual errors.
  • Carefully review the guidelines and requirements provided by WRBI. Understand the rules and regulations that must be followed to ensure your attempt is valid.

Record Certification

  • If your record is approved, you would be provided the Certificate of WRBI
  • Record approval and certification process may take 2-3 weeks 
  • WRBI also provides Extra Certification facility. These standard extra certificates of approval of WRBI 
  • These extra certificates (coordination/ Participation) enable record holders to include his/her name as well as some other information as requested and approved by WRBI.
  • Thus, all those who coordinated/participated in the successful record attempt can have their name on an official Personalized WRBI Certificate.
  • After receiving certificates, send us your HD quality picture with the Certificates & Medal. 

Inviting a Record Management Judge (Adjudicator) ONSITE ADJUDICATION

  • In case, you are interested to invite a judge, the event management team will coordinate with you.
  • Our Representative came for Onsite Adjudication an honoured on the spot certificate. 

General rules of WRBI

  • WRBI does not promote or accept attempts or world records that can potentially lead to any kind of destruction or harm to property, health, morality or general well-being of an individual / organization/ society.
  • Approval or disapproval of any attempt and certification will be wholly and solely the decision of the WRBI team.

Celebrate and Share Your Achievement

If your attempt is successful and verified, celebrate your achievement! You have made history and earned a place in the World Records Book of India. Share your story, inspire others, and use your accomplishment as a platform to make a positive impact.

Remember, setting or breaking a world record requires patience, perseverance, and unwavering commitment. It’s an opportunity to push your boundaries, inspire others, and leave a lasting legacy. At WRBI, we are here to support and recognize your extraordinary achievements. Start your journey today and make your mark in history!

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance with setting or breaking a world record, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

We are here to guide and support you on your record-breaking journey.
