To Support Honorable Prime Minister SHRI NARENDRA MODI’s Mission “SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN”,
Ms. ANKITA KYAMSARIA, (Born on 6th February 2005), District Brand Ambassador of Swachhata Abhiyan of Kyamsar, Chirawa, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, made Longest Broom, measuring 121 feet Long, including broom base using Bamboos, fabric, Sack, Rope, foil Bundles , Grass , sink hard broom , Iron Round Ring and other materials and weight 5 quintal and set a New World Record on 11th May 2024, at Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India.
“Congratulations on your extraordinary achievement! Your determination, perseverance, and dedication have earned you a well-deserved place in the World Records Book of India. Keep inspiring others with your remarkable accomplishments!”
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